Baixing Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Guangxi Regional Survey Party in 1973, and was first cited publicly by the Compiling Group for Central China Regional Stratigraphic Charts in 1974. The naming section is located in the area of the Baixing Village in the vicinity of Natang region, Baibao Township, Shangsi County, Guangxi.
Synonym: (百姓组)
Lithology and Thickness
Lower part of the Baixing Formation is composed of purple medium-, and thick-bedded poststones [fien-grained sandstone?], intercalated with siltstone and mudstone. Middle part consists of purple argillaceous siltstone and poststone, intercalated with mudstone. Upper part is purple mudstone and argillaceous siltstone, intercalated with black mudstone and coal seams, with a total thickness of 1071 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It overlies conformably the underlying Wangmen Fm
Upper contact
Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next younger unit as Nadang Fm
Regional extent
The sphere of its distribution is consistent with that of the Wangmen Formation. Its thickness varies greatly and is thinning from the center of the basin to the two ends of it. In the area of Dongzhong to Nanan its thickness is of 1277 m, and is reducing to 584 m towards west till the Heluo Mountain Ridge; it is of 790 m towards east till the area of Xintang, further east its thickness is only of 269 m.
It yields Marattiopsis-Otozamites assemblage belonging to Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris flora; and also, conchostracans: Palaeolimnadia baitianbaensis, P. sichuanensis and Eosolimnadiopsis sp.
Depositional setting
The formation represents fluvial and lacustrine deposits.
Additional Information